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Design Futures

Siyu Peng

Siyu Peng graduated in Mechanical Engineering but has always had a keen interest in design, a strong curiosity for beautiful and new things, and a desire to challenge me.

She is looking forward to studying design at the Royal College of Art, where she is interested in combining parametric modeling and AR technology to create interesting designs. She looks forward to making more meaningful work through her studies.

Show Location: Battersea campus: Studio Building, Third floor

Siyu Peng-statement

I am a designer and I want to reveal social issues by various means and cause the multitudes of society to think about them. Thinking about the relationship between man and nature, the relationship between life and death, the meaning of human existence, the survival of the planet, and the power of the universe.

SECRET ROOMThe Chimera organization has a large amount of information about its users, from which it carefully selects its targets. Once the targets have been selected, the customer receives a unique code. When the customer arrives at the pharmacy and correctly matches the code with the clerk, the customer is taken to the secret room where some illegal transactions will occur.
In the year 2080, there was an ordinary pharmacy in a small street, the owner was a very good pharmacist who was always eager to help everyone who came into the shop or even those who we
MEDICAL STORE In the year 2080, there was an ordinary pharmacy in a small street, the owner was a very good pharmacist who was always eager to help everyone who came into the shop or even those who were in trouble near the shop. CHIMERA STORE But this pharmacy's main business is not simply the sale of medicines, but a hidden chimera shop Target group: people who want to live longer, people who are threatened with death, people who have enough money to spend, people who will do anything to survive.
CHIMERA STORE, Augmented Reality


In the era of mature biotechnology in 2080, CHIMERA technology has been developed to save patients who are suffering from neurological diseases and to alleviate the dilemma of organ transplantation.

CHIMERA STORE is an AR illegal store that sells embryo CHIMERAS based on biotechnology. By purchasing the CHIMERAS, customers can obtain organs that perfectly fit themselves and consequently achieve a longer lifespan.

Customers need to be authorised to view the merchandise through AR technology as if they were in a real store. The controversial store gradually reveals the brutal fact that the customers buying the products are actually being murdered. The cost of healthy organs is the lives of various animals and even the customers’ clones.

Will customers who gradually realise the truth change their views on longevity products? Will customer buying behaviours change? What does labelling life mean? Where should the boundary between technology and nature exist?


Augmented Reality
MOURNING ON MARS, Voice, Grasshopper

Imagine in 2050 a series of problems caused by disasters on Earth.

At the same time, humanity continues to explore places beyond Earth, especially Mars.

In 2050, humans achieve the primary construction of a Mars base and, as a result, have the opportunity to work on Mars. 

While technological advances have the ability to take humans to Mars and explore more unknown worlds, at the same time humans are separated by space and time.

In the future, will this barrier in space and time make the connection between humans and their loved ones weaker?

Historically, human contact with loved ones has not been weakened by distance or the difficulties of war, and the ways of paying tribute to loved ones have evolved with technology and culture.

People, regardless of country or culture, visit the graves of their deceased relatives on certain days. A visit to a cemetery or memorial park can be a time of healing, reflection, catharsis, sharing memories, saying prayers, saying goodbye, or simply a ritual of remembrance. 

People talk to their deceased loved ones at the tomb. it’s normal, natural, and a meaningful way to grieve. 

I don't think people's connection to their loved ones will be diminished whether they go to Mars or if humans explore further into space. So the following ways of mourning may be possible.


Voice, Grasshopper